Tire Tag – English

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr A sequence-based speed game Age group: K-8 Number of students recommended: 20 Subjects/skills learned: Spelling and vocabulary Object of the game: To individually spell words correctly and quickly by moving through the playground Setup: Using chalk, write the letters of the alphabet in order on the tires, leaving one letter off (we … Read more

Story Telephone

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr Telling a story as a team Age group: K-8 Number of students recommended: 25 Subjects/skills learned: General, Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar, Literature, Object of the game: Working as a class to created a comprehensive story. Setup: No set up. Game Play: Ask each of the students to sit on a tire. Starting at one … Read more

Jeopardy – English

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr Age group: K-4 Number of students recommended: 25 Subjects/skills learned: General, Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar,  Literature, Object of the game: Testing current knowledge of the English language at different level of difficulty! Setup: Write on the first tire of the first row, the type of question (example: spelling) and then put the numbers … Read more

Mad Libs

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr Create a story as a class while learning language basics Age group: Grades K-5 Number of students recommended: 20 Subjects/skills learned: Vocabulary, grammar, spelling Object of the game: To create a story by selecting words by part of speech. Setup: As the teacher, write a short story with twenty-five blank spaces to … Read more

Roll The Ball: Art

a Project H Design initiative Facebook Twitter Flickr Created by: Alfonso Díaz & Lorena Félix Age group: Ages 8 – 12 (Grades 4 – 8, varies according to the difficulty of the questions). Number of students recommended: 15-25 students Subjects/skills learned: Contemporary art, fine art, art history Object of the game: Earn points by rolling the ball to answer questions … Read more