a Project H Design initiative

Match Me – Geography

A multi-team head-to-head competition to find the right tire!

Age group: K-8

Number of students recommended: 25

Subjects/skills learned: Capitals, states, countries, regions, cities, etc

Object of the game: The team that has all members seated on tires first wins.

Setup: On each of the tires, use chalk to write a word (or place, city, name, etc) that corresponds to the skill level required (the word you write will be the answers to the questions you call out). Divide the class into two teams, and have each team line up. Both lines should start on the same side of the playground, one on either side of you, the teacher.

Game Play: The teacher will call out a geography question whose answer corresponds to one of the words written on a tire (for example, if the teacher has written Alaska, he/she calls out “the most northern state”). The first student from each line/team competes head-to-head to figure out the answer to the question, and locate the tire with the corresponding correct answer written on it (teammates may help!). When the tire has been located, the student sits atop that tire. The student who finds the answer to the equation first wins the round and remains seated atop the tire for the duration of the game. The other student will go to the back of their team’s line, and they can play again. The teacher will call out a new math equation for the next two students.

Game Conclusion: The team with all their team members seated on tires first wins!

Examples: The teacher has written ‘Sacramento’ on the tire and call out “the capital of the Golden State”). The student who finds the tire with ‘Sacramento’ written on it first wins that round.

Tips and Variations:

  • Divide into 3 or 4 teams instead of 2.
  • Do not allow teammates to help the competing member find the correct tire.
  • Can be adapted for capitals and cities (for example, write Albany on a tire and call out “the capital of New York State”). If you use both sides of the tires, you can write one state or capital on each side, for a total of 50 states (25 tires x 2 sides each).
  • Can be adapted for countries (for example, write France on a tire and call out “this country is known for wine and cheese.”).