Created by: Alfonso Díaz & Lorena Félix
Age group: 3-8 (varies according to difficulty of questions)
Number of students recommended: 25 students (ideally 5 teams of 5, one team per row of tires, though other numbers can work)
Subjects/skills learned: Contemporary art, fine art, art history
Object of the game: Guess the artist to whom clues correspond to. Reinforce the knowledge of the correspondent characteristics of different artists by getting clues and answering questions. The clues will be hidden in the tires.
Setup: In each row of tires will be clues hidden about any artist (clues can be written on index cards and placed underneath tires). Each row corresponds to a different artist. The group will be divided into teams, and each team will be assigned a row. The teacher will have a list of questions.
Game Play: The students will be divided into teams and each team will line up in front of a row of tires. The teacher will read to each team a question about modern art. The team member that answers it correctly can take out a clue from a tire. The teacher will continue asking the team members that are left lined up (the student that already has a clue can’t answer another question) until they have enough clues to guess the artist that was assigned to that row. The team can only try to guess at the beginning of their turn. If they do not guess, the game goes on.
Game Conclusion: The team that guesses their row’s artist first, wins.
Example: The teacher asks the first team any question related to an artistic period (for example, “in what era was the Sistine Chapel painted?). The student that answers it correctly will take the clue that is hidden in the first tire and will go back with his team, but he cannot answer another question. The teacher then asks another question to the next team. When a team has enough clues to guess, waits until their turn starts and they try to guess. (Their artist assigned to their row may have been Monet, and their corresponding clues “water lilies,” “French,” and “impressionism.”)
Tips and variations:
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